Dott. Gioele Virdis

Visite nutrizionali specialistiche e personale sanitario qualificato in sede e a domicilio

Consulenza nutrizionale

Specializzato in nutrizione clinica e sportiva

Personale qualificato per assistenza a 360°

Prestazioni sanitarie

La priorità è la tua salute: il nostro impegno quotidiano

Offriamo personale qualificato per assistenza domiciliare personalizzata, sia diurna che notturna, e prestazioni infermieristiche in sede o direttamente a casa tua; collaboriamo con i migliori professionisti sanitari (medici, fisioterapisti, psicologi ecc.) per garantirti un supporto completo e di qualità.

A colorful vintage food truck with a teal and white design, featuring the brand name 'NUTRILOVERS' and decorative graphics of hearts and fish. The front part of the truck showcases a distinctive logo, and the vehicle is parked on a paved area next to another truck.
A colorful vintage food truck with a teal and white design, featuring the brand name 'NUTRILOVERS' and decorative graphics of hearts and fish. The front part of the truck showcases a distinctive logo, and the vehicle is parked on a paved area next to another truck.



Esperienza e professionalità

Soddisfazione garantita

Servizi professionali

Offriamo prestazioni nutrizionali e infermieristiche personalizzate per il benessere della tua salute.

Nutrizione personalizzata

Redazione di piani nutrizionali su misura per il raggiungimento di qualsiasi obiettivo: Sportivo agonistico, Clinico ed Estetico

A can of Optalife Grow IQ formula is placed on a marble countertop next to a glass of milk. To the left, there is a slice of red velvet cake on a white plate. In the background, a wooden cutting board holds a pile of fresh strawberries, and a basket contains woven decorative balls. The setting is bright and inviting, with a homely kitchen vibe.
A can of Optalife Grow IQ formula is placed on a marble countertop next to a glass of milk. To the left, there is a slice of red velvet cake on a white plate. In the background, a wooden cutting board holds a pile of fresh strawberries, and a basket contains woven decorative balls. The setting is bright and inviting, with a homely kitchen vibe.
Assistenza infermieristica

Forniamo prestazioni infermieristiche con personale specializzato in qualsiasi ambito, dalla Vulnologia fino alla Stomoterapia

Collaborazioni con specialisti per offrire un servizio di alta qualità e un supporto multidisciplinare.

Collaborazioni professionali
A classroom with five nurses in uniforms seated at desks, facing a blackboard where another nurse is writing. Anatomical charts and a skeleton model are visible, indicating a lesson on human anatomy.
A classroom with five nurses in uniforms seated at desks, facing a blackboard where another nurse is writing. Anatomical charts and a skeleton model are visible, indicating a lesson on human anatomy.
A selection of three colorful trays is filled with a variety of healthy snacks, including orange slices, nuts, seeds, and a measuring tape is artfully draped across them, suggesting themes of dieting or nutrition.
A selection of three colorful trays is filled with a variety of healthy snacks, including orange slices, nuts, seeds, and a measuring tape is artfully draped across them, suggesting themes of dieting or nutrition.

Servizio eccellente e professionale! Ho trovato grande supporto sia nutrizionale che infermieristico. Consigliatissimo!

Marco Rossi

A woman wearing a white sports jersey with 'Orlando Health' written on it stands on a grassy field, smiling and engaging with another person who is partially visible. She has her hair tied up and is wearing shorts. The field is well-maintained and appears to be an athletic or sports setting.
A woman wearing a white sports jersey with 'Orlando Health' written on it stands on a grassy field, smiling and engaging with another person who is partially visible. She has her hair tied up and is wearing shorts. The field is well-maintained and appears to be an athletic or sports setting.
A box featuring a health-related product labeled 'apta+ Glukofit' with a purple and white design. The product claims a vanilla flavor and highlights benefits for diabetes, including low sodium and lactose content, high fiber, vitamins, and calcium. The front design includes a photo of a white beverage to suggest consumption.
A box featuring a health-related product labeled 'apta+ Glukofit' with a purple and white design. The product claims a vanilla flavor and highlights benefits for diabetes, including low sodium and lactose content, high fiber, vitamins, and calcium. The front design includes a photo of a white beverage to suggest consumption.


Studio a Olbia

Lo studio si trova a Olbia vicino al parco Fausto Noce. Una zona tranquilla, verde e mai sprovvista di parcheggio.


Via Rossini 53, Olbia